Almost everybody has had a mosquito bite at least once in their lives. Most people assume that, outside of the itchy welt, there’s not much to worry about after being bitten. While that is the case for a lot of people, mosquitoes actually get an average of 700 million people sick each year—which leads to about a million deaths worldwide.
Mosquito-borne illnesses are more common in tropical and subtropical regions across the globe, but they are still a threat nearly everywhere. Some of the most well-known mosquito-borne diseases include:
- Malaria
- Zika virus
- West Nile fever
- Chagas disease
- Dengue
Why Are Mosquitoes The World’s Most Dangerous Animal?
A lot of people are shocked to learn that mosquitoes are considered the most dangerous animal, but considering how many illnesses and deaths they cause each year, it makes sense. Not only are they capable of spreading potentially fatal diseases, but they are also incredibly difficult to control considering how quickly they reproduce. Since they can thrive in a wide variety of environments, they pose a threat to people all over the planet.
Which Types of Mosquitoes Transmit Diseases?
There are over 3,600 mosquito species, but just three account for the majority of all illnesses come from just three families: Aedes, Culex, and Anopheles. Each family has multiple species that can carry and spread diseases to humans. That said, there are a lot of types of mosquitoes that are simply a nuisance pest and aren’t known to transmit diseases.
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Mosquito-Borne Illnesses in Memphis TN Metro Area
A lot of people in the United States think that mosquito-borne illnesses are only a problem outside of the country, especially in warm and tropical areas where these pests thrive. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth.
We’ve experienced outbreaks of Dengue, Zika virus, and malaria in hotter regions like Puerto Rico, Florida, and Texas, even in the last few years. With people constantly traveling from state to state, it’s also very easy for an infected person to unintentionally carry one of these mosquito-borne diseases to another region. That’s why, even with our country’s constant efforts to control these illnesses, it’s still crucial to protect yourself from mosquito bites as much as possible.
Early Signs of Mosquito-Borne Diseases
Most mosquito bites just result in an itchy welt, and since these bites generally heal quickly on their own, a lot of people don’t think to watch for symptoms of potentially dangerous diseases. However, the earlier you notice these signs and receive medical treatment, the better your recovery process. Some early symptoms of a disease from a mosquito bite include:
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Unusual fever
- Confusion
- Muscle tremors
- Seizures
- Rashes near the bite
- Serious headaches
If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms or have other concerns relating to an insect bite, it’s always best to consult a medical professional right away.
Can Mosquitoes Spread HIV?
A common myth is that, since mosquitoes feed on blood, they are capable of transmitting HIV. While mosquitoes do suck blood as they bite, they don’t actually circulate any back to you. Instead, they feed with two sharp mouthparts; one that sucks up your blood, and the other that pumps mosquito saliva into your skin. The saliva actually contains proteins that influence our immune system, which both suppresses the pain during the bite and leads to itchiness or swelling a few minutes or hours later.
Can HIV Live in a Mosquito?
While mosquitoes don’t transfer HIV or AIDS to people, they can bite individuals with the virus. If they feed on an HIV-positive person, however, the virus will disappear within a day or two—or the amount of time that it takes a mosquito to digest blood. Since HIV cannot replicate without the T-cells in human blood, the virus is destroyed very quickly.
The bottom line is, you really don’t need to worry about contracting HIV from mosquitoes. Numerous studies have shown that a person would have to be bitten by 10 million mosquitoes who had all been feeding on an HIV carrier for even a single unit of the virus to transfer, and in that case, 10 million mosquito bites would likely lead to other health complications first.
How to Protect Yourself From Mosquito Bites
Though HIV isn’t a concern when it comes to mosquitoes, these pests still aren’t something you want feeding on your blood. Bites are a nuisance and can be dangerous to your health, so it’s important to take precautions such as:
- Avoiding going outside during dawn or dusk
- Wearing long-sleeve shirts and long pants
- Applying an EPA-registered repellant when outdoors
- Removing still water, which they may use for breeding
- Investing in professional mosquito removal
It isn’t easy to completely avoid mosquito bites, but it’s pretty much impossible if they’re always crawling around your backyard. If you think you have a mosquito problem, professional assistance could be the answer.
At Allied Termite & Pest Control, we offer a full range of mosquito control services that provide year-round protection. Our team has a deep understanding of mosquito behaviors and life cycle, and we use that expertise to create customized, comprehensive plans that keep your space safe all year long.
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