Red Squirrel


Actual Size: 11 to 14”, including tail

Characteristics: Small in size with reddish-brown fur and white underbellies. Also has a thick white ring around their black eyes.

Habitat: Drawn to conifer trees and will often build nests in branches. When the temperatures drop, they may also enter homes and use insulation as a nesting material.


  • Can be territorial over their nesting sites.
  • Easily confused for European red squirrels or fox squirrels.
  • Usually remains outside, but may enter homes when weather is cold.

Red Squirrels in Memphis TN Metro Area

The red squirrel, also referred to as the pine squirrel, chickaree, or North American red squirrel, is recognized for its smaller size compared to other squirrels in the area. It is generally slightly larger than a chipmunk in size. The red squirrel predominantly feeds on conifer cones, categorizing it as a granivore, although it may consume other food sources as well. There have been observations of red squirrels feeding on spruce buds, needles, mushrooms, flowers, and berries.

Red Squirrel Habitat

Red squirrels are found across the North American continent, particularly in areas where coniferous trees are abundant. They create their nests primarily using grass and construct them within tree branches. It is uncommon for red squirrels to nest underground; instead, they prefer arboreal nesting sites. Typically, red squirrels have multiple nests within their territories. In some cases, red squirrels have been known to nest in homes, utilizing insulation as nesting material.

Red Squirrel Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Red squirrels are recognized for their territorial behavior, making them one of the more territorial squirrel species. They remain active throughout the entire year. Female red squirrels give birth during the spring season, typically having litters of three to seven offspring. While red squirrels generally prefer to nest in trees outside of residential properties, there have been instances where they find their way indoors. In such cases, they may utilize insulation material for their nesting purposes. If you are having an issue with red squirrels, it is best to consult a professional wildlife control company for removal.