Sac Spider


Actual Size: ¼ to ⅜”

Characteristics: Tan legs and head, yellow abdomen that occasionally has a greenish hue.

Legs: 8

Habitat: Primarily lives outdoors in gardens. May sneak indoors when the weather is cold, building nests in corners between walls and ceilings.


  • Earns its name by building distinctive sac-like nests.
  • Frequently mistaken for the brown recluse, but lacks the distinctive “violin” marking on its back.
  • Has a painful bite, but is not considered medically significant for most people who are not allergic.

Sac Spiders in The Memphis TN Metro Area

This spider is commonly called the “yellow sac spider” due to its coloration, though they can also have a greenish hue. Like many spiders, sac spiders prefer to avoid contact with humans and usually end up indoors by mistake. These spiders are often found in homes and are occasionally misidentified as brown recluse spiders due to their similar body shape. However, they lack the distinctive “fiddle” pattern characteristic of brown recluses. Sac spiders primarily feed on various types of spiders and other garden insects, making them a valuable part of the environment.

Sac Spider Habitat

In outdoor settings, one can spot sac spiders in gardens, beneath plants, tree bark, rolled leaves, and natural litter. Sac spiders are sometimes transported within agricultural goods like grapes, finding their way into homes along with produce. As the temperatures outside decrease during the autumn season, it is not unusual to find these spiders indoors as they seek warmth. Sac spiders possess the ability to effortlessly ascend smooth surfaces and tend to build silk retreats resembling sacs wherever walls meet or where walls meet ceilings.

Sac Spider Behaviors, Threats, or Dangers

Sac spiders are a type of hunting spiders that primarily use their silk sacs for retreats and protecting their egg capsules. They are active during the nighttime, engaging in the pursuit of other insects. Sometimes, the bite from a common sac spider may be mistaken for a brown recluse spider bite. Although the injuries develop in a similar manner, they are far less severe. While the bite of a yellow sac spider can cause pain, it is not considered medically significant unless you have allergies. Reactions such as swelling, slow healing, and ulcerated sores around the bite area can be confusingly similar. If you suspect that you have been bitten by a spider, it is advisable to seek medical attention if symptoms persist or worsen.

If are dealing with a large amount of sac spiders and want to get rid of them quickly, contact your local spider exterminators.